The Cocker Spaniel Club of SA Inc gratefully thanks all our Sponsors and Donors to the Trophy Fund.
K & B & E Christie | Rosemary Kemp | Anne O’Keefe | E & J Howard |
Cocker Spaniel Club of Victoria | Cocker Spaniel Club of Queensland | D & J Kruger | H Morden |
M Rogers | Pauline Smith | R Spencer | S Vella |
S & D Heatlie | D Bolton | Anstowe Kennels | Julie Burbidge |
Fencing World Pty Ltd | Jocat Kennels | Bunnings | Christine Smith |
Liz Zucker | Lyn Mellett | Margaret Carter | M & L Brodie |
Cocker Spaniel Society of NSW | Nidawi Kennels | Mars Grooming | Rodney & Sally Wyatt |
D & J Hughes | Alex Heitmann | Diane and Lucas Finister | K Hutt & G Love |
L Emerton | D & M Bellamy | J Gooding | M & G Markotany |
T Matthews | Pet Stock |
Donations to the Trophy Fund will be gladly accepted and will
be acknowledged in the Show Catalogue
Advance donations would be appreciated, or they can be made together with show
Cheques or money orders can be posted to:
Judith Balfour
12 Aranga Ave., INGLE FARM SA 5098
Telephone: (08) 8262 2439
Email: judith.balfour@bigpond.com.au
Website designed and maintained for the Cocker Spaniel Club of SA Inc by Ushiro Designs
Page last updated: 02/04/2008